Keto Cauliflower Crust Pizza


A ketogenic diet or widely known as keto-diet has gain popularity in the last two to three years. The main reason for Keto being effective and highly popular is because it suggests the consumption of calories from fat and proteins and control carbohydrate. Atkin diet at its initial phases cane is the same as Keto.

This low carb diet, if followed strictly, can make you eat up to 50 to 60 grams of carbohydrates per day, making your body run low on sugar. It almost takes 4 to 5 days for your body to starts breaking down the protein and fat other than the sugar. This process id calls ketosis.

We can see many diet plans, but a proper keto or high protein diet recipes are hard to find. But don’t worry, we got your back. We have devised a perfect keto meal for our craving during the diet, and believe us.

We have combined your favorite pizza toppings with the best keto-based pizza crust. Its lighter, tasty, and importantly low in carbs. The preparation time is 16 times quicker, needs just three ingredients, and requires less effort than your traditional and beloved pizza crust.

Nutritional Information

  • Energy : 106 kcal
  • Carbohydrates : 5 grams
  • Fat : 6 grams
  • Fiber : 2 grams
  • Protein : 10 grams.

Let’s get on with the recipe.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time 30 minutes
Servings: 6 to 8

Ingredients for best Cauliflower pizza crust ever:

*700 grams of Cauliflower heads

*One and a half cup of shredded Parmesan cheese

*One large egg

*Half teaspoon Garlic salt (Optional)

*Half teaspoon Italian seasonings or dried or fresh herbs (optional)


     Start with preheating the oven at 400 degrees F or 200 degrees C. Preheat your pizza pan or stone.

*Throw the washed cauliflower heads in a food processor and bliss it until you get a grainy or rice-like consistency. This is your cauliflower rice.




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