The main reasons why you don’t lose weight on keto diet?


Not Losing Weight on Keto? here are the reason why

Weight loss. Hi guys, my name is Gloria Cruz from Washington, welcome back to my website today, and I’ll talk to you about what you should do if you hit a plateau or you can’t lose weight after a ketogenic diet.

many people get started on the ketogenic low-carb high-fat diet to lose weight feel great gain energy gain focused clarity all of the amazing benefits that come along with being in ketosis but sometimes after the initial loss which can be incredible at first because you lose a lot of water weight when you’re following the ketogenic diet your body is not retaining and holding on to a lot of water now what happens is you shift your metabolism from burning glucose and sugar for fuel as this primary fuel source to burning fat for fuel and there are some reasons you may hit a stall you may end up just be being basically plateaued after that initial loss so I’m gonna give you some ideas to help you get past that and help you move along in your journey on reaching your ultimate goal following the ketogenic lifestyle.

so guys when you follow the ketogenic lifestyle what’s really cool is you’re gonna find that you can eat less because the food you’re eating is much more satisfying so you shouldn’t be hungry you shouldn’t be going hungry at all and if you’re maximizing the benefit of that you should be adding an intermittent fasting .

in there and that is really my tip number one if you hit a stall check if you are staffing constantly if you are spending your entire day basically eating just eating even ketogenic foods that can be a part of your plan they can follow the macros that can be perfect but if you’re not allowing your body time to have a break from insulin spikes because if you’re eating your body is producing insulin so in that situation you just want to take a look at that and you want to ask yourself are you eating more than three times a day if the answer is yes then you need to eat more within each meal so that you can spread out the time in between meals.

now a lot of people find that this just happens naturally they’ll have a large meal their first meal and then they’ll just go a long period without being hungry and without you should have plenty of water in between there and what’s gonna happen is you’re not gonna have those crazy insulin spikes and you’re gonna allow your body to be burning the fat that you have stored so that’s tip number one if you’re not doing that then that’s the first place I would look the next thing is your calories.

so yes following a ketogenic diet at first we always recommend that you don’t really necessarily have to worry about your calories as you are getting into ketosis getting past the keto flu all of these things that can be difficult in the beginning however once you get past all of that and you’re you have your initial loss and you’re going steady.

you it is possible to eat enough to maintain your current weight in your current lifestyle so you need to check your calories to make sure you’re not going overboard on that because it doesn’t you know the old saying calories and calories out does matter so while you’re not necessarily counting calories just keep it in check to make sure that you’re not just eating too much food that could keep you plateaued which would keep you I mean while you know you could be eating the right foods.

but you could be maintaining your weight so you just want to make sure about that so if you’re using an app that’s a great way to find where your calories should balance should be or where your specific needs are for weight loss use an app it works great so your calories okay and lastly I wanted to mention it’s possible that your body is transitioning your body composition is changing but it’s just not showing up on this scale so what I always recommend is that you step off the scale and allow your body to do what it needs to do. 

if you focus on how you feel focus on your measurements and don’t focus on the scale because I know people who have completely transformed their entire body composition went from a size 14 to a size 8 and their weight did not change very much and that’s because they were building muscle they were losing fat their body composition was changing which is ideal that’s what you want so I would recommend if the scale is starting to discourage you if you find that you are falling off track and having cheat meals often because you’re thinking what’s the point of staying on track when the scales not moving I would throw that thing out the way and totally get rid of it guys you don’t need a scale to know that you are moving on track towards reaching your ultimate goal so use it as a way to enhance your experience to motivate.

you further if you feel like you’re losing weight that’s a good time to get on if you feel like you’re gaining weight guys that is the time to stay away reevaluate figure out and make sure you’re doing everything correct make sure you’re not having too many days where you fall off track in your week and if you do find that you have a lot of accidental fall off tracks or if you think you’re getting in too many carbs in other ways without realizing it.

I do also recommend you consider trying exogenous ketones may be a 10-day experience to see if that can help break up your Plateau I have tried so many different things to break plateaus and a 10-day experience is one of the things that really helped me because I was doing everything right and I was moving for and I just couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t basically move past that level where I feel like my body kind of hit its comfort zone so a tend to experience exogenous ketones adding that in once a day completely transformed everything for me I was able to lose that you know to start losing again breakthrough that Plateau and I felt so amazing I ended up keeping it going in my lifestyle.

so if that’s something you’re interested in I can pop the link below with information on that but definitely check the times that you’re eating make sure you’re not eating more than three times a day and also try intermittent fasting and creating a shorter eating window so basically if you normally eat eight hours a day try to eat six hours a day or if you normally eat 12 hours a day try to just push it back do it slowly.

so basically if you every morning wake up and have breakfast at 6 at 8 a.m. trying to push it back to 9 a.m. and then 10 a.m. and then 11 and then and then if you can just stick with noon eating from noon to 8:00 that’s a pretty good window for most people for already doing an eight-hour window maybe try a six-hour window eating twice a day instead of three times a day these are just different things to try out.

so if you’re in that plateau plateau hold strong you’ll get through it I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a plateau in my entire over seventy-pound weight loss journey I’ve been in a lot of them they come and go for different reasons but initially with keto if you have that fat loss right off the bat and then all of a sudden it started slowing down these are some things you can look at maybe help speed up the process a little bit and just be a little bit not so hard on your body because you know what you didn’t gain all of this weight overnight and you’re not gonna lose it overnight either.

Good luck to you I’m sure you’ll be amazed if you’re interested in the ketogenic lifestyle I have a lot of tips and tricks on my website here, so be sure to share this article with your friends on social media.

take care of yourself


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