
Keto Snacks When You’re on the Go


Sunflower Seeds

When you’re on a keto diet, you need to make sure you keep your electrolytes up and a good way to do this is by consuming salt. Sunflower seeds contain enough salt to give you what you need while at the same time providing you with a generous amount of fat that will fit into your macros.

Sunflower seeds contain a lot of different nutrients that are going to benefit your body in more ways than one. Yes, they are good to have on a keto diet because they are easily accessible and inexpensive, but they can help your body function much better as well.

You’ll have better heart health and more than likely have fewer cramps due to the nutrients that are in these tiny seeds.

String Cheese

String cheese is a childhood favorite. If you didn’t have string cheese growing up as a kid then I feel slightly sorry for you.

Yes, it’s just a piece of cheese but for some reason, it’s fun to eat. You get a sense of enjoyment from eating this. There has never been a moment where I’ve eaten string cheese and not had a smile on my face.