11 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Going Keto


1. The first month or two can be expensive
As you change from a diet that is predominantly carbohydrate based to one that is 95% protein and good fats combined, it can be expensive. The cost of flour, rice, cereal and vegetable oil is significantly less than the cost of beef, pork, chicken, avocados and coconut oil. As you farewell the chips, margarine, crackers, bread and potatoes from the depths of your pantry and welcome in those gorgeous fatty cuts of meat, butter and cream your grocery bill will no doubt be higher than usual; particularly if like me, you’re not a fan of cooking when you start out.

However, as you stock up your cupboards over time with herbs and spices, essences and other condiments as well as tools that aid with cooking delicious, flavoursome meals the cost that is rung up by the cashier each week will more than likely be less than your currently budget. Why? Because when following a keto diet you eat less…a lot less.


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